So, after looking back at some earlier research I had done on this subject from a few years ago, in addition to some training I recieved at a CockPit Arts session AND recent reading - I figure I will need to do the following:
- make a prototype of the item, making sure to calculate clay and other materials used per unit
- once prototype reviewed and accepted by hubby "aka...client" make a few more units, taking care to quanitify time required per unit, and reconfirmation of clay and glaze materials (and any other additional items needed) used per unit
- determine cost of firing items. THIS IS DATA I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO GET FOR A YEAR NOW but haven't gotten around to it. Get the kilowatt/hour charges from the electricity supplier and work out the rates....
- consider my wage and profit margin
- add all costs together for each unit, use this to determine total cost for total order
- figure out time frame required to complete order
- submit quote and keep my fingers crossed!
I am wondering what other potters do to win contracts or orders?
About two years ago, I did go through an intensive exercise similar to this in preparation for an open house in which I was going to be selling my wares. Although I didn't have a client as it were, I did work to a very strict record keeping procedure, logging every minute and ounce of materials used for each item I made. This real data was then used to calculate a final price for each item, taking into account margins, wages, etc. What was shocking to me at the time was just how much everything was going to cost if I paid myself a decent wage!!! In many instances, the forms were coming out at double what I knew was reasonable to charge.
I wonder with a bit more making experience under my belt this time around that my making time will have decreased, thus reducing the total wages i would have to charge.Who actually works these quantities out? Are potters actually, on the whole, charging a total price which accounts for a wage to be earned? I would love to hear from someone who does!
Well, to end on a happy note, here is a photo play by play of my journey making piggie banks!
These little vases had no idea they were turning into little piggies!
After a little bit of work, they emerge as very happy pigs! I wonder which one you like best - I need some help on this one!
With cute bottoms!
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